I also love BEETS. And I thought I hated them for most of my life. So I would like to share with you... how to love beets (or at least not to hate them).
#1 Cut them up and admire their beautiful colors! Look carefully at the beautiful intricacy of the chiogga beets!
#2 DON'T OVERCOOK THEM. I say 12 minutes at a low boil - and this is in small pieces. If you cut larger pieces cook them a LITTLE bit longer but not much.
Also you can put interesting things in the water to make it more like broth. Salt, for one, but bay leaves or a big slice of onion and some cabbage never hurt either.
Then eat them straight up, plain, admiring their beetiness, or
#3 make a salad!
This is a "hot salad" i.e. the greens are sauteed kale, but you can also make it cold with spinach or lettuce. The important part is (a) goat cheese, (b) balsamic vinegar, (c) strawberries. You can add whatever leftover salady things you want, like walnuts from last week's box, or green beans from Saturday's dinner, but be generous with the balsamic and the goat cheese. MMMMMM good - enjoy!