At first I was going to do a savory dish, but since the last veggie box also came with apples and sweet potatoes, I decided to try to use up as much "veggie box stuff" as possible in one go.

Here's what you'll need:
Here's what you'll need:
4 sweet dumpling squash and/or mini-pumpkins
1 small apple
1 small sweet potato
1 egg
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp brown sugar*
1/4 tsp each salt, nutmeg and cinnamon
Crumble topping:
1 tbsp each butter, flour, rolled oats and brown sugar
*This is entirely dependent on the size of your squash, apple & sweet potato. Mine were very small and you will likely need to add more brown sugar if you purchase your produce from the grocery store.
Using a paring knife, cut around the stem of each squash. You want a decent sized hole; I had to go back and widen the first one.
With a sturdy teaspoon, scoop out the seeds. Don't be overly aggressive while doing this; I actually pierced the bottom of one of the squashes with the teaspoon. Oops!
Place the squash shells in an baking dish.
The apple and sweet potato naked.
Remove the core from the apple, then finely dice it and the sweet potato. (I ended up with about a half cup of each.)
The apple and sweet potato have been punished for their indecent exposure.
In a small bowl, beat the egg, then add the cream, apple, sweet potato, salt, cinnamon and brown sugar, then combine.
Evenly distribute the filling among the squash and carefully add about a half inch of water to the baking dish. Don't get any water inside of the squash.
In a small bowl, combine the ingredients for the crumble topping: butter, brown sugar, flour, rolled oats. Rub the mixture together with your fingers until the butter has been fully incorporated. Evenly distribute the crumble mixture on top of the filling.
Bake for 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees.
Aren't they cute!!! The skins of the sweet dumpling squash are very tender; you can eat the whole thing except for the little woody bit at the bottom. The pumpkin skins are a little tough, so you're better off going at it with a spoon and scooping the good stuff out.
Bon Apetit!
i see the one i ate!! they were really good, charles! :)